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Special Events

Shambhala has a New Years eve celebration on the meditation point every year. It welcomes all brothers and sisters on the path to higher consciousness. Just be present and enjoy the wonderful sacred dance, chanting and building the tree of life. We have a procession to the beach from the meditation point and a party with food and drink to bring in the New Year.

Our celebration has been a tradition for over 25 years and many people participate in the ceremony wearing white with headbands of fresh flowers. We have Aztec dancers and musicians celebrating with us at this special time of the year.

Preparing for the New Year
on the Meditation Point

As part of our special events we can arrange to have a friend of Shambhala take you to our secluded land in the foothills of Oaxaca which fronts the Chacalapa River. It has deep swimming holes and beautiful river rock formations to sun bathe on. There are trails on this virgin land we call, El Encanto (The Enchanted) which lead to the top of our property. The view is fantastic from up there which overlooks the river and surrounding hills.
The dirt road to El Encanto is an hour drive from Shambhala, from there you hike a for about an hour which turns into a trail that leads to our river front property. It is very secluded but nudity is not permitted out of respect for the neighboring villagers. They sometimes come down to the river to hunt or fish.

El Encanto
River Reteat

Yoga on the Rocks
El Encanto Retreat

Shambhala is an ongoing retreat for individuals and groups throughout the year. We also have artists, yoga instructors, martial art practioners and massage therapists staying at Shambhala. Occassionally they offer their services or instruction. We offer rental space to be used by holistic instructors or bodyworkers. The view and breeze from most of our private rentals is a perfect place to relax and have bodywork done. Rates depend on the individual therapist or instructor. Shambhala just requires the rental fee for the facility like our taller (workshop) which accommodates up to 8 people. If interested in using Shambhala for massage or instruction see Gloria for approval.   All our facilities are on a first come first serve basis, except our new time share cabins with private bathrooms. Please fax Gloria about reserving one a month in advance!

Daniel's Thai Bliss
Holistic Massage

Daniel of Shambhala (Gloria's brother) will be gathering a group at Shambhala for a one or two day trip to our secluded river front retreat, "El Encanto" in the foothills of Oaxaca. We will  practice "Yoga on the Rocks". One day participants require a backpack for food and water. Two day participants must have a tent, bed roll and back pack. Time and day to be announced at Shambhala when Daniel is there in February. 
One full day of  "Yoga on the Rocks" $400. pesos
Two full days of "Yoga & Alpha Work"  $600. pesos

 Click on Daniel's picture above for those interested in traditional Thailand massage or Yoga on the Rocks. Daniel is usually at Shambhala during the winter season doing his Rock Yoga & Thai Bliss bodywork.  

Be advised we do not take reservations at this time. Our rentals are based on a first come first serve basis. You can be put on a waiting list for rooms and cabins when you arrive if none are available at that time.