Shambhala's owner Gloria H. Johnson was born in Los Angeles, California. She lived in Hermosa Beach California
until she moved to Oaxaca in 1969, married a fisherman named Tomas in the small town of Puerto Angel and immigrated
shortly thereafter. Gloria along with family and friends built Shambhala with determination and a love for nature. Many things
have changed, but the land remains the same and is a vortex point for universal energy with a door to the cosmos.
Her brother Daniel R. Ortega has spent many years traveling in Mexico and lived in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
for several years. He now resides in San Diego, California as an artist and bodyworker. He has been involved with Shambhala
in one way or another for over 20 years. When he vacations at Shambhala he practices his Rock Yoga and performs Thai
Bliss Bodywork.